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Educational philosophy

Educational philosophy

Based on the established concepts of this department, teaching jobs instruct a practical hotel management curriculum, teaching material is drafted on subjects related to hotels. The department also provides fulfilling teaching content and equipment, expands excellent faculty with practical experience, emphasizes teaching methods and increases teaching efficiency, in order to achieve the goal of cultivating skilled professionals for middle class management hotel majors who have international views, professional knowledge, industry skills, service morality and who devote themselves wholeheartedly to their field. Therefore, as for teaching measures, besides  abiding by the regulations made by the university and college as well as the specifications for colleges published by the Ministry of Education, we have drafted the teach and work plan that is prospective, pragmatic and links to the hope of implementing each job and obtaining sound performance.

Teaching Material

The teaching outline for this department will be decided through mutual discussion among invited relevant scholars and experts within the industry, and teaching material that highlights pragmatism will be compiled by the teacher; extracurricular reading materials, magazines, journals, teaching videos, lectures and extracurricular interviews will be used as supplements.
Furthermore, the teaching approach highlights demonstration by teachers and self-operation by students, and all these processes are recorded on video for review and reference for improvement. We attempt to use observation and discussion type teaching methods to stimulate the interests of students into effective learning.
As a flexible teaching approach, in order to improve the effects of teaching, open discussion is encouraged between teachers and students to have sufficient communication, while the innovation of making written reports and narrating thoughts substitutes the traditional mode of submitting homework and thus leads to the potential to find data and stimulate creativity for students. 

Cultivation Goal
